George Halasz
May 26, 2021


In Winnicott’s terms, there is no such thing as a baby without a mother

Decades ago I began my journey to explore the mysterious processes by which generations pass on their ‘ghosts and angels’.

The mystery remains, as I seek words to explain what I see. We all experience what we see in our different ways…

Do you see

suffocated by our family legacy
I borrowed your breath
until I could no longer breathe

I abandoned your breath
in search of my own
in exile I found my will to breathe

now with breath
I returned to reclaim my legacy

we willed each other
come dive with me
I’ll be your dive buddy


we tested sanity’s contours
breaking tunnel-vision’s edges
distressed, once more
we willed each other


once vanished objects reappeared
kaddish for your sister, Reizele
I said hello to Gyuri

beyond the visible
do you see what I see
apperception’s love child




George Halasz

My writing has emerged to focus on family experiences of relational/generational trauma translating my professional and personal wordless moments-to-moments.