Relational trauma’s origin

George Halasz
2 min readJun 13, 2021

Its often a mystery why a current healthy relationship suddenly plunges into a chaotic nightmare. No dire moment to explain, the streeses seem to emerge from out of the blue. What might account for this sudden change from loving to hostility, open to withdrawn, supportive to sabotge. After all the current triggers have been excluded, maybe a flashaback from the past explains. I have found the most elusive ‘unfixed’ parts arise from far in the past, yes, my earliest relationship — privation — a form of absence often overlooked. It has taken years to interrogate, but once locataed, what a relief to overcome.

I explore my eluisve privation in this short poem

invisible patterns of privation

a nursery poem

I can not fix you

you can not fix me

still broken, we’re beholden

yesterday we plunged each other

unwillingly into inanity

we pleated voided spaces*

sane beings unfolding insanity

today we dive again

deeper in hindsight

doubly perceptive

we look out for each other

receptive, responsive to unpleat

to avoid more voided spaces

we navigate treacherous poetic pleats

sensations once fixed now dare to flow

trickles between deplete and repleat

emerge, barely perceptible rhythms

as our mutual gaze mirrors visual echoes

today’s plunge we behold

each other in awe

as we repleat sanity

  • *privation

June 2021



George Halasz

My writing has emerged to focus on family experiences of relational/generational trauma translating my professional and personal wordless moments-to-moments.